How to Feel Less Alone

I’m sorry, I don’t have the answers. If someone does, they are most likely lying or they do not understand true loneliness. This is especially true if they have a YouTube channel. Trust no one who can capitalize on your loneliness.

Sometimes, in my own world, there’s comfort in loneliness. You are no longer obligated to pursue people or activities that make you feel unsatisfied (more lonely and sometimes, hurt). Acceptance and comfort ebbs and flows though. Sometimes, the healthy boundaries you put up are broken down.

We are all just sacks of meat and bones on a rock hurtling through space. I really do not think if people realized how insignificant we all are, we would treat each other better. Especially now, with the world moving so fast and everyone wanting to look out for themselves.

I think that’s why there’s a group of people who like to look to the stars. The sacks of meat and bones we inherited the earth with would rather plunder and waste what we could have in each other, the inhabitants of this place we call Earth. It’s comforting knowing that there’s a vastness ready for the lonely dreamers, the people ready to take off into space to add value to humanity (or to just escape it).

At the end of the day, all I can say is be kind to each other and keep looking up. Something or someone is looking back. I’d like to believe that that something or someone is better than what we have here. In the meantime, if you feel inclined or are able, try to take pleasure in the fact that life can be beautiful and enjoyable at times.  No one can cure loneliness but together we can make it easier on one another.


Green, Thumbs


Exclusively, Rochester