Green, Thumbs

The Monroe County Cornell Cooperative Extension was having a perennial sale so naturally we went. I love photographing flowers. Beth likes to buy them.

I learned a lot about perennials and the staff were really nice. Flower people are a different breed too.

Visiting this made me wish our apartment building had a rooftop, like they advertised when we signed our lease (it wasn’t true … that’s slumlord level of dishonesty). Rooftop flowerbeds would be pretty sweet. I think that idea, though, is pretty advanced for local property owners, developers and managers. If there isn’t a dollar sign involved, who cares about the quality of life of the residents.

We tried renting a community garden plot, which presented its own challenges. Not being in our neighborhood being one of them.

Let’s make rooftop and community gardens more a of thing. Community gardens are punk rock. I want to be like this guy after a long day at work, sitting amongst flowers, but also enjoying a good book and sipping a gin and tonic. So yea, Cornell Cooperative Extension, thanks for the hospitality and being so photogenic.


Silent Agreements


How to Feel Less Alone