
Today is World UFO Day, should be a holiday. Thursday is July 4, Independence Day. Has independence lost its meaning? I don’t know myself. Do UFOs and aliens exist? I, also, do not know myself. I want to believe in both though. I don’t think we should write any of it off. It’s all serious business.

This is DJ El Destructo. He and DJ Dada sometimes DJ at Skylark. And they have a show on WAYO called Rock and Roll Lounge.


Soundtrack for this post:

Bored by Waxahatchee.

I gather this song is about being in some state of flux and emotional stress that comes along with it. Maybe writing the song helped Katie absolve or heal herself from that. I’ve always liked this song since it was released but now it seems more relevant. Funny how songs do that and certain artists do it more for you, me than others.

Another song that is more relevant today than it was when it was first released is The Waves Crash In by Spiritualized.

I’ve been writing a lot (using found photos as prompts) and hope to have a handful of new low run (just 10) zines for the next record fair in August, if they allow me to have a table. Since I print and bind at home, I may only make 10 of each zine. There’s a couple places I tried to sling my zines at but they just ignored me. Maybe I am outside of their age limit or maybe my stuff just sucks. Either way, they left me guessing. It’s too bad, as both places seem to value community and sell similar zines. Maybe I just do not have that social currency.

I’ll also be selling my own prints at very low prices, a little above cost for me. Not to get rid of them. More to see if anyone connects with anything. I’ll be presenting the prints in various nonconformist ways. I want my table to look like something you would find at an estate sale or flea market.

A zine of collages may be in order as well. So yea, UFOs, America, vinyl, photography, zines and collage. That’s what’s happening. That’s what’s always happening in my ecosystem.




The beat