Could be the move

There’s this Tik Tok account called Could be the move. They have a website too; with a couple t-shirts that I’d introduce to my wardrobe. From where I’m sitting, these fellas take everyday activities but spice them up in a positive way.

One I recently thought of:

Go to farmer’s market. Buy a pack of white hots from the local butcher. For relish, go to a farmer’s market and buy some dude’s craft pickles. The ones with spice. A few booths down there’s the stone ground mustard booth. Buy a tub of that. Dress those dogs with relish made from the pickles and blast a squirt of that mustard. Best hot dog ever. Bonus points, find out that the pickle guy mades an award winning craft pilsner. You by a six pack of that too. That could be the move.

I’m still working on it.

It’s Father’s Day weekend. Have your wife DD and drive in the general direction of lake. Stop in a small town to take a few photos. You hear live music so you find out what the ruckus is all about. You find a craft brewing place. You stop and have a pint and listen to some local kill some Dylan covers. Could be the move.

At Crafty Ales and Lagers for a cold one:

Been having a rough go of it the past few months. The back’s starting to hurt. Feeling like I’m on a different (not better) wave length than everyone else around me. Worrying a lot. So, I’ve been trying to do a few things different. Amping up some aspects of my life and building up some boundaries in the others. I think it could be the move.

Been reading and rereading a lot lately. Flannery O’Connor. Scott McClanahan. Troy James Weaver. Breece D’J Pancake. Sam Pink. I’m not a book nerd. I like what I like. All these authors beat the shit out me and I feel better for it. Reading their words is like getting a Swedish deep tissue massage for your brain. All sorts of thoughts and memories creep up. I’m writing about weird memories from my past and making a go at my own fiction. No grand ambitions with any of this. Maybe a zine, maybe a blog post. I’m just glad to be inspired. Writing the crazy shit in your head? Could be the move.

There’s a Sun Ra Sunday tomorrow. Paul and Peggi are stopping by. You will be able to find me at Parcel 5. I’ll have a lawn chair and a blanket ready. Will be wearing a black MC5 shirt and will probably bring the polaroid. If you stop by, I’ll be making a photo. The Other Side of the Sun will be blaring. I listen to Space Fling on my way to work a lot. It’s a great walking to work song if you intend on having a good day. After that, a June Tyson compilation. If you happen to come across this post in the future, just e-mail me or check my website (daily, why not?) for the next one. Or if you have some awesome space that would like to host a Sun Ra Sunday, that could be the move.

We landed at Atwater. Some of my favorite Finger Lakes wine. Views good too.

Tech pants, a cotton polo, some sparkling wine, sporting the Persols, and doodling your scenery. Could be the move.


Classic, Rock


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