Classic, Rock

I went for a walk after work yesterday. I love the heat and humidity. It’s soothing. I belong closer to the equator. I brought my camera with me, hoping to catch some outdoor activities. Didn’t see much that was compelling to me. I made it from downtown to Park and Berkeley. I stopped at Magpie for a pint. It was nice and cool inside but I sat outside amongst the much younger regulars. After my pint, I walked back home, dodging motor bikes on the sidewalks and cars in cross walks. From what I am witnessing, that is becoming more common in Rochester. The disease of not caring about others as you ride your vehicle dangerously. This affliction seems to affect city dwellers as well as the suburbanites that make their way into the city.

I call this: “your photography is garbage.”

It really is. I have a huge stash of found photography. It was garbage before I found it. At some point, it will be garbage again. Along with mine. And yours.

I wish Kurt was around to see Nirvana become classic rock. How cool would it have been to see him jamming with Dinosaur Jr., Kurt Vile, Courtney Barnett and scores of others who seem to have that Cobain-esque mind style. Or seeing him on tour with Neil Young. I cannot imagine Kurt sticking around with Krist and Dave. It’s a lot to put on a dead person, but I think the world may have looked a bit different, more positive, now, with Kurt around.

Downtown to Magpie, sip a pint, then make my way back home. This has to happen at least once a week. It’s 4.5 miles. Good enough to shake the workday rust off. I would give this walk a 8/10 stars. Dangerous vehicles dropped it three stars, but the friendly vibe and delicious pilsner at Magpie added a star.


Kick out the jazz, mothertruckers!


Could be the move