This aggression will not stand, man

Being good Rochesterians, we walked over the Corn Hill Arts Festival. We looked at art, felt uncomfortable looking at items in booths with no intention on being anything, and consumed an unhealthy amount of lemonade. The weather was hot and beautiful. It felt like Key West.

After the festival, Beth and I made it home, napped and watched the breaking news of the attempted assassination of a certain former U.S. president. As if I already was living high from not being on Instagram and Facebook, I’m certainly happy I am not on there now. I must say, a measurable amount of extra happiness has been gained from not being on those platforms. What I wish people understood about quitting social media is that I am not trying to be a recluse. The fact that people associate not being on social media as a reclusive act is disturbing. The same people believe in the dogma of blaming social media for society’s ills, which is lazy.

Behind the scenes and underneath the hood, I’ve been working on setting up pages on my website for certain projects I am working on, culling photos and writing essays. I’ve also done some writing creative writing on vernacular photography.


Lucky Flea Finds

