Summer Vacation

Remember those? If the closest thing to a summer vacation, now, is working from home; guess what I did last week? The best part of it was being able to listen to records while working.

Last week ended with some ball games. When the above were taken, I hugged some old friends. I also hung out with Mark Brady. I’m organizing his August’s First Friday at Fattey Beer.

Richard Glaser sat near us so I invited him over. He got the Mark experience and bought a print. Thank you Richard! Mark and I also chatted with Glenn Johnson. No picture of that, sorry. I can confirm his tv voice is the same as his real life voice, if you were wondering. A dog even smiled me.

There’s a curfew in MLK park now. Which stinks, I do enjoy walking through during my evening and night walks.

Tonight, I wasn’t feeling well. Beth suggested seeing the Rochester Philharmonic tonight, to help, at “Parcel 5.” So we did. Which reminds me, Sun Ra Sunday this Sunday in Parcel 5. 9am-ish to 11am-ish Sunday morning. The Lucky Flea will be near by too. I’ll be there Sunday .. the guy blaring Sun Ra.

Also, the RPO … they were amazing and it did help. Think the town should pitch in on more speakers. Helps block out the jerks who rev their engines every single night. I also wish we had more free evening concerts. Or a classical music festival, in Parcel 5. Or any kind of music festival.

Hey, at least we have the RPO and Sun Ra Sundays.

At some point this week, I had a moment of crisis with my own photographs so I looked a few of some I have collected, including these three. The first and third photo … I want to find them now in google maps. The second? How old is Elvis and who is that guy with him?




Chatty Elephants