See, Different

As easy as it began, the thrill of the fog has quickly passed. There have been so many good shots popping up from last night I am surprised I didn’t bump into anyone. Also, those shots make me feel what I got less interesting. After work, I took an hour nap then made myself a dinner of scrambled eggs, peas and carrots (sorry, no photo). Deciding a coffee would taste good, I walked over to Java’s for a cup and brought The Stories of Breece D'J Pancake along to read.

I went for a 10 minute walk today after lunch. It all looks the same to me. I’m taking that as a challenge to see it all differently. That’s all I have time to do from 9 to 5 on weekdays. See things differently. When I stopped to look at the building we used to live in, I had trouble seeing it differently. I guess I need more practice.

Finding inspiration tonight, I came across Larissa Sansour and her husband Søren Lind.


Spring, Fever


Will anyone read this?