Electric, Muler, City

Altering see Muler in Rochester, Brendan and I drove out to see Muler in Buffalo at a new venue named Electric City. Electric City is an amazing venue. EC and Ashbury Hall make Buffalo my favorite place to see music, especially touring bands. Rochester just cannot compete. If any bands skip either venue in Buffalo, they are missing out. These two venues do not skimp and have a magic to them. The sound at Electric City was just amazing.

I spent the day in Buffalo with Brendan and Wade (above). We all met up in Niagara Falls and went to a music store named Music Matters. No photos of that shop, sorry. It was the owners birthday. I found a Sun Ra album that I didn’t have. The owner also recommended Farflung and a space compilation from the 90s that I could play on Fantastic Voyage. I highly recommend checking out that shop. Worth the drive.

I told Brendan all the “thirst trap” photos I accumulate of him will go in a photo album for his wife, for Christmas. You are welcome Kristin.

Before Muler started, I commented to Brendan, “I hope Tugboat Annie does not mind a destroyed drum set. Sean will destroy that kit.” First song in, Sean broke the set, sending the stage hands into a frenzy, fixing the drum kit as he continued to play. Here you can see some poor stagehand fixing the drum kit mid-song.

I really just wanted to go and watch and listen to the bands. I brought my camera for “just in case.” Both Muler and Tugboat Annie compelled me to jump in front and make crappy photos and grab some video. Body in the Basement is a song off Muler’s new album. I should have gotten the full song but the end … damn. I hope they keep that song on their live repertoire.

I’ve been collecting footage from a bunch of Muler shows over the years. I have this intention of making a short video about the/my history of how I first came across Muler (Joe Tunis didn’t know me but sent me a 45 of Muler when I was a zine called Psychocandy in college). There’s more to the story, but that’s how it started.

Anyways, I’m grateful for this band, the opportunity they gave me with an album cover and the friendship they offered along the way. Grateful for Joe Tunis for sending me that 45 back in 90s.. Grateful for a wife who encourages me to keep the spirit of enjoying music alive because it makes me happy. Grateful for Brendan who goes to shows with me and listens to my wacky ideas.

Listen to Muler.


Exclusively, Rochester


Sky, Lark, Ing