
I, ugh, veered away from my comfortable quiet life that I have been enjoying to attend an art opening this evening. Then I walked about 4 miles. Being in social settings after avoiding them for some time was a bit of a shock to the system. No rest for the weary, I will be making photos on some snowmobile trails tomorrow.

Other activities that I have amped up is listening to my vinyl collection more and trying to learn Spacemen 3 and Suicide songs on Arturia midi keyboards I have. I’d also like to learn early Depeche Mode and Nine Inch Nails songs before they were into their 90s modes. That’s a Beachy Head album up above. I’d play it on the radio via vinyl but I am too nervous to have the time to queue this up. I wish it was regular black vinyl. Speaking of radio, I’ll have James Bade from the planetarium on the show this Sunday for two full hours. We will be talking about telescopes and other astronomy topics. I’ll also be playing space influenced music. WAYO from 3 to 5pm this Sunday!

Still trying to figure out how to magically make a photo look good in a fisheye lens. And that’s not considering making a small part of the projects I have going on. I’d love to photograph a band or a single person with the fisheye. Maybe I’ll try a few on the trails tomorrow.

Time markers, fashion, and body language. I don’t even like this photo but how the man facing the camera looks up at the woman, how she’s in a defensive position, with her hair pulled to the side and gripping a drink. Photos can lie. Photos can be truthful.

I just wish I worked the scene or made a better snap decision regarding composition. I think I could have gotten a better shot. The fact of the matter is, though, here in Rochester, after that first photograph is taken, the candidness is over.

I’m a sucker for printed t’s on males in particular. It’s a bit easier to candidly use the flash on a male subject than a male subject. Using the flash candidly isn’t necessarily a violent act but it could be construed that way. I’m always mindful. I hope you are too.

“Time is the substance of which I am made. Time is a river which carries me along. But I am time. It's a tiger, tearing me apart; but I am the tiger.”

My next at home drive-in movie will be Godard’s Alphaville.




Fumbling Towards